The Internet doesn't need another blog, does it? Well, maybe one more won't hurt. ... Hurray! I'm a blogger! Mom and Dad will be so proud.
Such a funny word, that. Blog, blog, blog. It sounds like someone chugging down a drink. But no, this is not a site about alcohol — at least not today; who knows what the future might bring? I wouldn't mind a 20-plus year glass of single-malt Scotch, come to think of it.
In a nutshell, this site is an eclectic collection of career keepsakes: from newspaper articles and comic-book dreams to photography and original music. The proverbial kitchen sink of my mind, if you will. Part professional portfolio, part virtual flea market without the itch, unless it's an itch to create. I might even dust off some old fiction; or better yet write new material.
Jobs, society, expectations — pick your poison — tend to pigeonhole you into easily identifiable categories. Sadly, when you hear or do something often enough, you end up believing it. And one day you wake up wondering who you are, because artificial boundaries have choked the breadth and depth of your unique abilities. I'm hoping curating this collection will help me rediscover who I am in time for the third act of my life.
And so another blog is born. Cheers.
— 02/18/2022